Saturday, August 7, 2010

Goat Maintenance

 Silver getting his hooves trimmed

It sounds funny to say, but the goats occasionally need some work, or goat maintenance as we call it.  Their hooves were overdue for a trim, they were in need of a bath (which they get on a hot summer day) and they needed their worming medicine.  All three jobs I've been putting off for about a month.  But little Sweet Pea, who we refer to as our "special needs" goat, has had a cough that was getting worse.  Goats have to be wormed regularly which is something I still don't fully understand, but when Sweet Pea starts to cough it is my reminder that it is time for treatment.

We usually do an oral worming medicine, which works pretty well, but once a year I bring out the big guns in the form of a three shot series.  And I am sooo proud to say that I now give the shots!  I couldn't do it when the goats were babies.  I would think I could, but always at the last minute I would call for Brian to do it.  I was a wimp, a chicken, a pushover--a lame goat owner.  And then in February when it was time for their annual tetanus shot, I decided to just do it already.  I was once the girl who wanted to be a vet!  It was time to jump in.  Yesterday I was so quick with the shots, that I managed to impress my daughters, who (especially my 15 year old) are not easily impressed with me anymore.  So for that reason alone, I do the shots.

Lily jumps right in the stanchion!
As usual we had to corral Blackberry and pretty much drag him in the stanchion.  He is easy to work with once he's restrained though.  And then we have Lily who walked out of the goat yard, jumped on the stanchion and put her head in the restraints where she knows the treats will be!  Just like regular kids, some are easier than others.  But after all four were bathed, with hooves trimmed and shots given, they pranced around the goat yard feeling all clean and frisky.  And then they proceeded to roll themselves around in the dust.  Typical...

Blackberry all freshened up after his bath, now rolling in the dirt!

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