Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to School

We have come to the time of year when Summer has stagnated.  The flowers continue to bloom, but not with the joyous celebration of July.  They look more like late night party guests.  The party is essentially over, but no one wants to leave just yet. 
The trees are in the same sort of holding pattern.  Most leaves are still green, but a few rebels on each tree have begun to cloak themselves in shades of yellow and orange.  And the air too is on the cusp of changing.  Summer’s warmth comes in the afternoon followed by chilly mornings and jacket inspired evenings.  The air has that quality of stillness that suggests a gentle sigh.  Yes, Summer is on it’s last breath.
However, the stillness of August and September must trigger some sort of maniacal energy in us moms.  We innately realize that Fall is coming and behind that, Winter.  Our ancestors would be bustling about bringing in the harvest, preparing food for winter survival.  We, on the other hand, have Safeway to ensure our winter survival.  Instead, to satisfy our need to bustle about, we send our children to school.
I have just finished the registration and teacher placement process for all three girls.  I have also just written more checks than I care to remember and I have essentially dropped my last paycheck at Paper Products on school supplies.  We have two girls playing soccer this fall and we've sorted out the cleats and the uniforms.  We are getting ready for September 1st, when like a shot, the school year will begin.
Emily is a sophomore at the high school, Sophie is a 7th grader and starting Jr. High, and Grace is in 4th grade and her last year at our beloved elementary school.  We've definitely had a lot of practice at sending kids to school.  And maybe that is why this year I am just not ready to start.  I know what is coming.  There will be parent nights and paperwork, soccer practice, music lessons, and days full to the brim with the schedules of a busy family of five.  It is the beginning of a marathon that come May, will have kicked my butt.
I had a minor meltdown yesterday in anticipation of the coming school year.  And I'm blaming the weather men.  All day, the good people on the radio kept saying how it was our last nice day, how the rain was coming.  And the thought of the coming dark and gray days, combined with the school madness, pushed me over the edge.  My meltdown did feel good, even though I completely drove my family crazy.  And it is probably good that I've gotten it out of my system--a mommy meltdown is a normal part of the back to school process--at least at our house.  And yes, the gray weather rolled in today as promised.
And then this morning, my storm started to wane.  I was at the high school with Emily, going through all of the registration stations, writing numerous checks, and I suddenly saw my daughter.  We had separated for a short while (using the 'divide and conquer' technique), and I came out to find her sitting on a bench, looking over her schedule.  She didn't see me and so I caught a few seconds of seeing her while she was unaware.  She is absolutely beautiful.  She was sitting with her legs crossed and all of her school paperwork around her.  Her curly brown hair fell in waves over her shoulders.  She suddenly looked like such a young lady to me--so comfortable now in this big high school, so grown up.  And my mood lifted as I saw her.  She is smart, capable, independent and kind.  All of the years of parenting and schooling have taken shape in this young lady I am so proud of.  And that is what this is all about.
Yes, the school year, the raising of children--all of it can be exhausting.  And as I look at our daughters and reconnect with my mom friends, I can't imagine not jumping into all of it.  I am sad that summer appears to be over, and sad too that our unscheduled days are coming to a close.  And I know it is also time to move into the next season.  

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